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  • Dan

One Little, Two Little...

Red Room Red room students are continuing to learn "Bounce High" and are adding motions to emphasize words and rhythms in the song. We worked on our listening skills by arranging our Rhythm Squares into the patterns we heard played on the piano. Our rhythm vocabulary is expanding as we learn about quarter rests or "Shh"'s!

Orange Room Orange room students are continuing their rhythm reading as we explore and learn about the musical staff. Using Boomwhackers we learned about the music staff, that "Middle C has it's own special line" and "D is in the space, just below the staff". We will continue to learn all 7 notes from our musical alphabet through short, funny songs!

Yellow Room Yellow room students are continuing their rhythm reading as we explore and learn about the musical staff. Using Boomwhackers we learned about the music staff and where Middle C and Dangling D are located on the staff. We will continue to learn the rest of our musical alphabet, using fun, boomwhacker songs!

Green Room Green room students are working on their rhythm reading and listening skills as we have begun to work on two part Boomwhacker songs. The songs are made up of a vocal melody and a Boomwhacker rhythm pattern that overlap but require independent counting. They are off to a strong start!

Turquoise Room Turquoise room students are starting to use Boomwhackers as we will utilize them to explore and review the music staff, note reading, and play music in small and large groups. We learned about our Boom Rest position, how to play them, and will be starting short songs to build our timing and music reading.

Blue Room Blue room students are continuing to learn their two part song "Ten Little Boomers" as we divide the vocal and Boomwhacker parts. We are continuing to review notes on the staff, C, D, E, F, G, and will be exploring reading multiple note songs using a color coded notation.

Purple Room - Drum Ensemble Purple elective students are working to master Paradiddles (RLRR, LRLL sticking pattern) and changing Accent patterns all while undertaking a new cadence. The new cadence (#3) requires two different parts played simultaneously. We have been working to break down the rhythms and how the parts line up together. **An important note! Please encourage your child to put their music in a folder to keep track of it and to practice what we is covered in the previous class! This greatly helps in progressing their skills.

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